NAIL INSPO | Modern Art

Sometimes rather than walking into the salon w/ an idea in mind, I prefer to leave it up to a bit of chance & freestyle once I get there. It trains my brain to not always expect things to go as planned because, well, life happens… However, every now & then, the unknown can turn out to be a pleasant surprise ;)

For this month’s mani, we chose a pale pink base w/ green, black, & grey accents. The pop of green is the perfect way to jump into spring & introduce a bit of color & whimsy to a simple design.

It captures our attention w/ each nail being unique & yet it still maintains a cohesive theme. Much like modern art, manicures don’t have to abide by strict design rules. On your next visit to the salon, go w/out expectations & let your mind wander!

Editor in Chief: Rui Cheng
Writer: Moira McNally
Photographer: Clive Lyn
Translator: Kaili Chou