FEATURE* i-D Magazine | The Fifth Sense

Last month, we were featured in “The Fifth Sense”, a platform that celebrates women in creative industries, brought to you by i-D Magazine & Chanel.

When working on a project w/ my favorite Shanghai-based photographer, Alicia Shi & make-up artist, Natalie Chekati, ones creativity is revealed & the end product of the joint efforts really is mind-blowing.

The subject was regarding hidden meanings; intertwined w/ things that seem misplaced or random, these images invite the viewer to look just a bit closer. Leaving viewers asking themselves, what the eff ?&*%#$!

The blurred images, simply by playing w/ light, the unexpected reflections (as seen in the mirror), the tan lines left from a pair of non-existent sunglasses – all of these elements evoke a sense of mystery.

BIG thanks to Yanie Yanson of Themarginalist & the designers featured in the project: Helmut Lang, Theory, Jill Sander, Helen Lee, San Nuages, Makin Jan Ma & Arete.

Editor in Chief: Rui Cheng
Writer: Moira McNally
Photographer: Alicia Shi
aliciashishi@gmail.com / aliciashi.com
Stylist: Rui Cheng
rui@visionairestyling.com / visionairestyling.com
Make-up Artist: Natalie Chekati
chekati@hotmail.com / nataliechekati.com
Model: Kinga Korda @ watchmanagement