Shanghai Fashion Week #OOTD

This weekend kicked off Fashion Week with a series of events & shows. The best of Shanghai’s fashionistas & fashionistos come out to play wearing all things trendy & chic with the occasional touch of weirdness.
Bopping from street to show to nightlife; all this activity requires outfit changes, an increase in networking & socializing, & very little personal time, but we mustn’t forget to maintain a balanced life. It’s important to try not to deviate too much from our normal routine.

Fashion week doesn’t have to mean seven days filled with over-the-top outfits that you wouldn’t wear any other days of the year. We should always put in a little effort when getting dressed; whether it be for grocery shopping, dog walking, or hitting the gym. They say, “dress like you’re going to meet your worst enemy ;)


We always want to stay true to ourselves, even when heading to a CJ Yao show, a Chinese designer known for her more futuristic & creative designs. We don’t have to emulate the vibe if it doesn’t suit us.


For the evenings we like to introduce a dramatic element to our look, like throwing a little latex in the mix ;)
Editor in Chief: Rui Cheng
Writer: Moira McNally
Photographer: Jana Machackoca-Oey & Naomi Ni