1 STAR PER SHOW | A Pop of Color

VISIONAIRE’S 1 Star Per Show is back by popular demand! 1 Star Per Show can mean more than just statement jewelry... This month, we decided to explore the power of a pop of color.
When winter comes around & the skies turn grey (&...smoggy) it seems like everyone follows suit & dresses in drab colors, which can become slightly depressing.

Being that colors can actually affect our moods, give your spirits a lift by adding a pop of color! It seems like a simple concept, but it’s easy to wear head to toe black when we’re having fat days & call it quits. We love to insert some fresh hues using our accessories & shoes, but also in more unexpected ways like our nail polish & lipstick!

Put a little pop in to your look to give a sense of excitement during a season filled with dull colors & cold weather!
Writer: Moira McNally
Editor in Chief: Rui Cheng
Photographer: Judith Omoregie